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Understanding The Rules Of The Citadels Board Game

Citadels Board Game
Understanding The Rules Of The Citadels Board Game

Citadels is one of the most popular board games that has been around for decades. The game is all about strategy, as players must build their own kingdom to protect it from their opponents. Each game consists of two to eight players and lasts around an hour, depending on the skill level of the players involved. In each game, players will take turns drafting cards and playing them in order to acquire resources and build their cities.

How to Play Citadels

The game begins with each player receiving a hand of cards. These cards represent various characters and districts, which will be used to build the player's city. Each card provides a certain benefit when played, such as additional resources or points. Players will also receive coins, which can be used to purchase additional cards or activate certain abilities. The goal of the game is to be the first player to build eight districts in their city or to have the most points at the end of the game.

Understanding the Cards

In Citadels, there are three types of cards – characters, districts, and special cards. Character cards provide a one-time bonus when played, such as additional coins or points. District cards represent the various districts that can be built in a player's city. Finally, special cards can be used to gain an advantage over other players, such as blocking a district from being built or stealing coins from another player.

The Game Turns

The game is played in a series of turns. At the start of each turn, players will take turns drafting cards from the deck. After each player has taken their turn, they will then have the opportunity to play the cards they have drafted. Each card can only be used once per turn, so players must plan their strategies carefully. After all players have used their cards, the turn ends and the next one begins.

Scoring Points

At the end of the game, players will score points based on the number of districts they have built in their city. Players will also score additional points based on the types of districts they have built, as well as any bonuses they may have acquired from character cards or special cards. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Winning the Game

The goal of Citadels is to build a strong kingdom that is protected from your opponents. Players must carefully plan their strategies in order to win the game. By drafting the right cards and using them wisely, a player can quickly build their city and gain the most points.

Tips for Winning Citadels

To win Citadels, players must carefully plan their strategy and use the resources available to them. It is important to focus on building districts that offer the most points, as well as building districts that offer defensive bonuses. It is also important to plan ahead and use cards that can be used multiple times, such as character cards and special cards. Finally, it is important to be aware of what other players are doing in order to protect your own city.


Citadels is a fun and exciting board game that requires strategy and planning. The game is easy to learn but difficult to master, as each game offers different challenges and strategies. By understanding the rules, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of winning.

Some Pictures About Understanding The Rules Of The Citadels Board Game

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